Sometimes I just can’t wait until Tuesday when fuckery happens and we need to talk about it. This doesn’t have to do with stolen work but this is a WTF if I’ve ever seen one.
I was sent this post and I literally out loud said what the fuck when I read his email, which is the first in a series of posts.
By Brandon’s spicy reply, I assumed the clients emails to him had to be shitty. We’ve ALL had those emails where you have to take a breather and want to reply with something sassy but we’re running a business we’d like to keep so we take a deep breath and reply with kindness that may not reach the heart.
But… no. The emails that Destiny sent were pretty chill and even until the last were Midwest Spicy, not actual real spice.
This is really dang mild for not delivering or communicating anything for nearly two months IMO. This email is what finally got Brandon to reply, seen above.
Since I always investigate photographers that start going viral for shitty behaviors I decided to try to look into Brandon Burton and… well… his current website has been changed to point to a suicidal hotline, for… reasons? with a snarky tag at the top.
If Brandon was struggling with his mental health there were about a million steps he could have taken before sending that kind of email to a client.
From what Google shows, it appears that Brandon has a 10 week Masterclass for photographers. I want to know - what week do we cover replying to clients in such a spectacularly shitty way that you go viral?
What his website used to look like per the Wayback Machine:
The images that pull up seem to be his and the reviews on Google until this hit were mostly good but comments on Destiny’s post show that everything wasn’t sunshine and rainbows with him on the photography end.
It seems he hasn’t nuked his TikTok presence yet and all appears to be fine there - it’s just his photography presence he’s eliminated.
It’s wild to see someone literally destroy their business in one email.
Yikes… It looks like there’s a news story coming out tomorrow on him, guess he FAFO.